Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It was and it wasn't

Something funny happened yesterday . I went into the wrong blog . I was close and yet so far . The best part was,I even posted a few comments here and there in the wrong blog .

I even praised the blogger for having good penmanship and told the blogger to continue writing .It was funny , till my dear friend asked me where were the comments that I posted ...

TMK : Where did you leave the comments ?
Me : There la in your blog .
TMK : WHere ?
Me : There la , you wrote about your dream and all .
TMK : Are you sure or not ?
Me : Yes, it's there , how come you can't remember what you blog ?
TMK : Oi , you went to the salah blog la .. it's not the potato head one la .
Me : Ha , adui .

See , Tmk felt like she kena the jackppot la . And me Hmmm ..... too tired to even know , I mean I am so tired and infact TMK called me a nerd .. yup I am one ...