Wednesday, November 24, 2010


.. greed consumes you whole and leave you hanging . greed .. makes you to want it all and it's all about never having enough ... greed is like the devil himself ....

greed is smart , it will hang you by the tail for wanting more ...greed makes a person so powerful ,so powerful that others bow down to your every need ... greed does not take no for an answer ..

it holds you to a tie that binds you and there is no escape .. the only escape is ..when greed sets you free and that is when it leave you empty inside .. everything else is gone ..

a man falls to his knees because of greed . it consumes and eat you whole .


i wonder what Thursday would bring me .. perhaps a name or a number .. it could be anything . i would prefer if Thursday would bring me good news , love news , married news , new born news . anything at all .. I'd wait for her sharing ...

Thursday has brought me a wonderful morning to start with .... nice smells coming from the kitchen ... birds are not chirpy this morning .. do you know why Thursday ?

perhaps like us Thursday does not have all of the answers thing for sure Thursday could sure use a break and that is why we have Friday !!!

up , up and away WE went!!

well , it's not about superman who went up , up in the air to save the world it's more about the events that took place in my life ...

from the beginning , it was such a dream and then i felt that i was onto this fast train and then there was no holding back .. i remember if I'd get pass this ..

it was quite tough for me at first because i did not believe in myself and i thought that i could not pull it off . so much has happened and i am wondering right not how did i do it .. and it was not i alone that did it .. it was my team that did it ..

we pulled through rough seas and quiet down when the seas were calm ... and then , we reached a couple of high notes again and then it was calm again .. but seriously , i could not have done it without my team...

impossible , i would have said so ... silent prayers were said each time and it took a lot of patience to get where we are today .. i have truly enjoyed a joyous voyage .


.. the angel of the Lord came down and Glory shone around .....

..the time has come, once again , the angel searches , finds high and low for where she could go ... should she follow the star as usual or should she just stay put with all of the other angels in heaven .....

it has been directed that each angel,take up at least one task per year ... for the coming Christmas .. they have to decide where they should dwell to earn a golden star point .. each golden star point enables them to spend a longer time in the Magical Chamber .. in that Magical Chamber an angel could wish anything that they asked for .. provided that they embark on a quest and the assignment that they undertake is completed and satisfied by the elders of the Magical Chamber .

it has been said so ... the longer an angel dwells and complete her assignments and tasks and the humans are satisfied , the angel gets to live permanently with the humans , once this is done , there is no turning back .....