Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Project

Okay I have finally got over it and sunk it in into my head that I am the emcee and with that out of the way ... I have been assinged a craft project for the concert . Best part is all of the teachers have to do it and why do we torture ourseves with this ?

Simple. Each year we get the kids to do a simple hand work . It could be anything with any kind of materials. Once when these crafts are completed , we sell them at our concert do . The money which is raised will be donated to a charity home .

IDEAS ???????????????

Where and how to I get my ideas ?
Easy normally I would google for them or simply visit a site and from there I work towards it.

However, nothing seems easy for some . Like me ( as usual ) I mean I would read through of what kinda of craft that I am searching for but............ I would always change and improvise .

Then the next day , when I get to work , I pretend not to have any ideas for it and yawn and tell my fellow teachers that I have not for the love of art and craft found anything yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too good to be true . Just kidding . I mean it takes time and effort to get it done . Like so it will be a blast on my part and I know my kids will have fun .. Tata ..

ME .. What emcee again ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See , how can this be . Not again . I was the emcee for our sports day , and now I was chosen again . I mean , why can't they just leave me be ? We have hundreds of teachers and they go and pick me . I did not decline the job / duty . Now why is that ?

Is it because I know that deep down in my heart I know that I can do a better job ? That is a little big headed of me don't you think ?

Okay here is it , normally I will not panic , I will just pray about it , then I will go and dig all I can to find out what I have to do . Try to memorize some of it and someone once told me that I have to be the glue that binds everything . Now see I have to go and be that glue again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why ever am I fretting ? Okay I am calm for now , will take deep breaths now . Okay I am good .

So what will be my first step ?
Nothing ,
sit back ,
have loads of fun,
give the kids pressure ,
take long coffee breaks,
take time to read ,

Hey wait a minute , I can't do those !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well , I will just simply go over to the mamak stall and have myself a milo ice drink ...............!!