Thursday, January 13, 2011

since i am here..

well since i am here i might as well tell you about the week that i had .. that means last week and this week .... to some i may act stupid or dumb , i don't care . and it's okay if anyone dislikes me ... okay since i got that off my chest this was what i had to see to , endure , go through and listen to ....

now , for every dumb thing that goes on in my mind .. the one thing that i do know is .. that we teach our children to mix around , to get to know everyone in class .... why ? because that was we were taught by our founding fathers .

i have cousins who are Muslims , Chinese , Eurasians , Indians .. you name it ..and we get along just fine . i even remember growing up i made friends with everyone .
that went on for a few more years and until today we are still friends and when i have children of my own the same process takes place and so on ...

i have never made a snide remark against friends that i have known. we got on just fine until........

one day , i got so upset ... a racist remark was said .. to me ... to my face and i went oh , noooooooooooooooooo !!! and during my conversation with Mrs right and forever right ... it was implied that if i did not do something about it ... she will remove her child from our school....

that remark left an impact on me because for the love of all the chocolate cake in the whole wide world ... that remark , never entered my mind ... from the time that i was growing up until that very day ...

i was like , why do we mix the kids ?
what to we tell them about Malaysia ?
why are there so many races in our country ?

and how are we so special to others who visits our country .

i never thought that this day would come .. i would always tell myself that the people of our country are lovable and we tolerate each other .. but now after this , should i just change my spectrum of things about everything that i once believed in ?

since i am here..