Monday, June 14, 2010

'Cut , it's a wrap!!!!!!!!

During my haydays as an actress ... ahem!!!!!!!! Yes , I am an actor , well not in that sense ,not the pro type. I was choosen to act in the Christmas Peagent Play . I remember it so well . I mean ,I went through training just like everyone else .

My first role ; the inkeeper's wife . it was such a blast that I could not imagine , I went up on stage confidently and said my lines . I was in the most colourful garment and I felt important .We had special seats then , and we practiced hard . Then , a group of us went to Sri Cahaya for a voice over session .See how serious we were back then .

I took the role seriously even it meant that I have only 3 lines to say . I mean the inkeeper's wife . She had a standard to upkeep .
The day we were to perform, the church was packed .We were not nervous at all.

The second stint came about, when I was choosen to play a wife ... modern day kinda Peagent Play . Thinking back , I just don't know how I got up there on that stage . I am not a born performer but you could say that I enjoy doing many things . Perhaps I should add this to my resume .

I had the best times when I was up on stage . Power was mine and I had it all.The curtains are closed now and we make way for new talents. The show will live and go on ...