Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lean On Me

'..... the children fail because of their teacher '

Now, as we all know we need someone to lean on . Yesterday we saw a movie ,Lean On Me and Morgan Freeman acted as the no nonsense principal of the school . Strict to the core and when he spoke , no one spoke .. but one thing that caught my attention that , the teachers , no matter what , never gave up on ther students ... and I for one , felt like hugging all of them.

The show moves along and focus on four students,they skipped class,bullied everyone that got in their way .In one scene , shows the four students being questioned by the principal and the first thing he did was to get them to sing the school song.He waited .... and they sang acapella right infront of him .. he was amazed and so were we .

Lean On Me means to lean on someone when you need a shoulder... and when you're not strong .. Lean On Me means that no matter what, we will catch you when you fall.