Sunday, September 6, 2009

The ME Book

My dad bought a set of Encyclopedia , when I was quite young . The one tittle that I liked the most ,was The ME Book . Now , in this book , it tells the jouney of a baby growing up to be a toddler . I remember that I always used to take it and read . The illiustrations were just nice and beautiful as well.

The book has nothing to do with today's posting . I just wanted to use the tittle book for my posting today .

I remember back when I first got into teaching . I worked for a very strict principal . At that time I needed a job and so my friend introduced me to the school . I was very happy that at least I had a job . During that year , me dad lost his job and I just graduated . We were trying hard to make ends meet and that was when I decided to take on the teaching job.

My salary was nothing to shout about and I am even not ashamed to tell you . I was offered RM 400.00 per month . I took it . NO choice , We needed the money and for now that was enough but in my mind I knew I was under paid .

At the end of each month , I would give all of my salary to my mum . She seem to manage very well when it comes to the crunch . I made a pact with all the angels up in heaven and said that I will continue working and put food on the table and all I asked was courage and strength .

After a few months working , my boss decided to give me half a class . Meaning that a second session and I will have to work untill 2.30 pm . I accepted but my salary was not increased . I kept quiet and hung on .

The following year my salary increased by Rm 50.00 . I told myself that I have to have more value , means qualification . I needed that . I waited salary increased every year until I was earning RM 800.00 . I was proud but the years of struggling on was tough . I just don't know how I hung on . It was God's grace .

Along my journey as a teacher , I came accross some wonderful parents . I had this boy in my class and he is a Down Syndrome child . It so happen that he came to me . But I'd like to think that GOd send him to me because I needed to be saved and I knew that this boy could save me . Our friendship grew and he began to trust me . He went whereever I went and he never trusted any of the teachers except me.

We ate together , we sheared food , I fed him , I cleaned him up when he messed up himself ... everything . Until one day I had a surprise , from his mother . She came up to me one day and told me to pass some money to the van driver and before I could walk away , she pressed an envelope in my hand . She said that this is for me . I took it witout thinking twice and all along I tought that it was a thank you note . I was wrong , inside the envelope was RM 200.00 . I did not know how to react because what I did was to just teach and be with the children.

So , I did the next best thing . I enrolled myself for an Early Childhood Programme . I paid my fees with the money . This went on for the next 2 years and I did tell his mother what I did with her money .

My salary was increased ... four figure . I gave thanks to GOD because without Him I am nothing . I worked for the school and after 13 years I got fed up and resigned . I went to Brunei . When I got back from Brunei I decided to join the school again .... that was not a clever move . I worked for another 2 years and then I quit for good .

It was high time that I moved along. I was not appreaciated and was overworked. Everything esle was the same . There was nothing that I could learn anymore and it was time for a change .
I made the right decision to leave and I am working in another school . The dramas would be there but I am up for it and I hope that next year will be better .

Perhaps a promotion ?

I Have Decided To Be An Organ Donor

It has been hagling at the back of my mind since I read an article about being a donor . I was impressed at what I read . Many of us out there are afraid of so many things. Even me . There were so many quetions in my mind too .

Let's face it , it is for a good cause and think how many people we can save . So I decided to pray about it .
My dad is quite open to such subjects and you can just go and talk to him and he will support you to the best that he can . As for my mum she is a little ...... unsure and afraid so I have to be carefull and with some positive explanation she would hear me out .

Here is another 'let's face it '. You are dead and buried in the ground . Why waste the organs and other tissues right ?

Okay, this in not going anywhere all I can say is I have decided ... and the registration form is beside me and all I have to do is fill in the details , sign it and post it ... and like the song goes .. sign , sealed , delivered ,my organs and tissues are yours ...........

Let's StarT wITH THE bIRTHDAY AND what I did not do ..

Okay let's do it .. It was my birthday and I was the happiest person in the whole wide world . I mean it's your birtyday and you must have some sort of suprises right ?....... well , not for some and me but it's okay .

So the day went well . Mum and dad gave me a kiss and off I went to work .. As I reached I was thinking of positive vibes . I am going to have a good day and It's okay too if my students flip up because it's my birthday .

I was actually looking forward to the" ANG POW ", now that's the best part . Each year , during our birthdays , my boss would get us a card and in that card...... lay the 'ANG POW' . It does not matter if the value is big or small but it's the thought that count the most . Like a little girl I squealed in delight as I have been waiting for it !!!!

As I reach home , it was quiet .. this is quite normal with only the three of us . I did not cut my birthday cake . To some , the may ask why but to me , being around the people I love is good enough . Yup I love cakes but I think the message that I got for my birthday was LOVE and the TOGETHERNESS that brings us together as a family .

Even for dinner , my mum made steam chicken with salted fish and that was the best dish on the table . It was so simple and yet it was meaningful for me . We enjoyed our dinner and I know there are many more to come and perhaps I will have a cake to cut next time .