Friday, April 10, 2009

Hardcore -------------- Degil !!!!

Ha see the blog tittle and no I am not teaching hardcore criminals!!!!! What do I do with them ? Right ?

Last week they had some religious classes , and it's 4 times a week . My students are mostly boys with only three roses . With that , my three roses are no roses . They have joined and become boys !!!!! Sigh...................... I find myself sighing a lot these few days . No, I am not tired .

Okay so what happened was , I had to go and attend to some work during this time , so I left my students with the religious teacher ............ yes I remember now . It was not work , it was a short nap that I was suppose to take because I had a headache !!!!!!!

10 minutes to 2 pm the teacher came out and she felt so sad , she told me that my students had pushed her to the brim . She continued to explain to me by saying that she felt like a tunggul kayu in front of the class because as she was trying to explain to them how to do their work , she found that they were totally ignoring her and they were chatting away .

Poor thing . She could not take so she came out from the class.

The thing is .. children ... no matter what , they will test you to the limit . So what do we do ? Well .... we can ignore , spank , spank , spank WHICH is a no - no at all .I could be angry with them whole day and never speak to them at all or better still I just tell them that I can't for the love of God speak to them right now , because I am as angry as the volcano in Hawaii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If that does not help at all then what will ?