Tuesday, November 23, 2010

christmas tree

once again, the hot topic of our household... when are we going to put up the tree?

the big question is .. when is the best time ? i could say any day now would be the best day to put up the tree but on the other hand .. the tree would usually go up on that 1st of December ....

with my sister's children coming any day now, should we just get them to put up the tree ? why not right .. at least this year we don't have to move around so much with the tree .. i mean let the boys do it .. how hard can it be .... right ?

that was the plan last week . i was happy because we are going to let them decorate it for us this year ..

the plan has changed just 2 seconds ago ... the queen of the house has changed her plans and now demands that we do it instead .. why ?

okay , by tonight i will make her change her mind and just tell her that putting up the tree is an activity done by young and old ... so maybe just this year we get the chance to put it up with the boys and later in the night .... we'd open up our cookies and have a munchies or two .. perhaps we'll just gobble up everything !!!!

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