Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Audition 101

Okay for starters , I gotta tell you , I was pretty nervous . Yeah , I have done this like a zillion times , over and over again .

TRUST , that's the word . You gotta trust the children . They know what they are doing and yes I flip up and they go "Teacher , wrong la .. not like that .. you did like this first ". Okay , but I do not feel shy or small when my students correct me infront of other children or teachers .

I mean c'mon let's face it ..when they correct you , it means that they are paying attention to what you do and that is just simply great .

So how did the audition go ? Wonderful , with only minor corrections . I can live with that .

Hmmm ... now that the audition is done , tomorrow's big task is to correct it ...

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