Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Here and Now

Today I could almost feel like a grown up . It's true . I always thought that I'd never grow up or I refuse to grow up . Simple . For once, I can see where I am heading . I mean just by getting my self respect back. To some,growing up is hard .I used to remember telling my parents , that I just wished that I'd never grow up. It was hard growing up , because you will always have to think on your feet and too many responsibilities . But then again , if we were to plan out our responsibilities , then growing up would not be so bad after all . There is no right or wrong answer . it all depends on how you wish to grow up. For some , they enjoy being a grown up. So I would say the same , since I am here and now , it would seem a very good idea to just grow up . Grow up to be a beautiful being.

1 comment:

Therese Marie Khor said...

Almost Grown Up ? Well.....i known you for almost 2 years. We became friends.
You added me as yr FB friend In Dec 2009, and i got BLOCKED by you in August 2011 . And u added me again in Oct 23 2011 and sadly i got BLOCKED by you AGAIN on 30th Oct 2011.
Did yr PC went wrong again this time???
Hope u will fully grow up soon and not only Almost

Therese Marie Khor