Wednesday, November 24, 2010

up , up and away WE went!!

well , it's not about superman who went up , up in the air to save the world it's more about the events that took place in my life ...

from the beginning , it was such a dream and then i felt that i was onto this fast train and then there was no holding back .. i remember if I'd get pass this ..

it was quite tough for me at first because i did not believe in myself and i thought that i could not pull it off . so much has happened and i am wondering right not how did i do it .. and it was not i alone that did it .. it was my team that did it ..

we pulled through rough seas and quiet down when the seas were calm ... and then , we reached a couple of high notes again and then it was calm again .. but seriously , i could not have done it without my team...

impossible , i would have said so ... silent prayers were said each time and it took a lot of patience to get where we are today .. i have truly enjoyed a joyous voyage .

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