Saturday, December 18, 2010

today .. again after so long

we woke early today and today being today was/is the day we started out to deliver our cookies .... so all the way went up and down the hill and finally we reached our destination ...

it was all in good fun when i know at the back of my mind, that we were having a gotong royong session in church .. to which they need people to go and help and there i was in the car delivering cookies .

but the angel told me not to worry .. they have a lot of help so sitting this one out will not make any difference to everyone ... okay guilt free now ..

we had so much fun .. talking to old friends and wishing them merry Christmas and all ..peck on the cheek off we went to the next house ....

the next house is another dear friend of ours and they had a little cute looking dog named Jojo .. oh , the previous house also has a dog named Dougie ... cute and the cuter .. we sat down for a chat .. not me and the dog of course !!!!!

after 10 mins we made our move to another house , they also had a dog .. a beagle .. so cute .... and its name .. butch .....

today has brought us much joy ... not only we delivered our cookies , we brought joy along to our old friends .. we wished that we could stay longer but we still have more cookie orders to fill in ....

and now at home , a batch has gone into the oven .... and definitely tomorrow more to make ...

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