Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Today In Class.....

Since the telephone has been ringging in my class , my sudents go , 'What , another phone call .' Some would even say , 'Teacher, tell them not to call la , only after our class , then ask them to call.' Well, cute right .... but it does not work that way and why just this morning , miss smarty pants told the class that she was goong to pray very hard that the phone will not ring !

Did the prayer work ? Nope . And much to all of the excitement , someone stood up and said , 'Your prayer did not work .' Yes , yes miss smarty pants got all worked up and then , started making huge noises , and she even sounded like an old trumpet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fun , it was ... then a teacher came in to see me and miss smarty pants went , " Oh no , not again !!!!

Master over top came and whispered into my ear ,' How come everyone is looking for you teacher ?' The kid had a point . But how do tell your class that who ever comes into your class has something important to tell you ?

What is up fr tomorrow ? More fun stuff I suppose !

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