Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Glasses has a plaster on it

Well I am not rajin at all to use my glasses . Especially when I drive , I need to take them out .

So lately , I have bitten by the glasses bug and I started to wear them everyday , nice , everything is sharp and clear . The problem is there is too much glare all around me . THen................................

..... it happened . One day there was a pinching kinda pain at the back of my ears and actually I have adjusted my glasses but still the same and if I were to adjust again , surely it will break . What do you call them ? Ear handles ? Is this the right word for it ? Never mind .

So today my mum had a brilliant idea , she cut a strip of plaster into half and balut the thing . Now I feel so comfortable and nice no more pain . The pressure has been taken of by the small wonder of that plaster .

Well , thanks Elastoplast !!! Great job .

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