Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Tree

When we first moved to Seri Gombak , we had to locate the nearest church and the nearest that we got to was the St.JOseph's Sentul Church . Now , in the parking lot , stood a huge tree . It was the best tree that was ever planted there , It gave us ample of shade , green leaves and we had our breakfast sales under this huge tree.

It never failed year in year out ,thist tree was our landmark. If anyone wanted to visit the church , we would tell them to look out for a huge tree. We seem so comfortable having this tree around and legend has it that this tree is old . How old I just could'nt say .

As a little girl I was aware ofthis tree and it has heard many masses over the years . Now I know trees can't hear very well but I know this one did!!!! How I knew don't ask,but I just knew it ...
As we got older this tree too got older . It was time for us to move away and sadly enough I said goodbye to this tree as I just don't know when I will ever see it again ..

I went back a few times to visit and this was still there , standing strong and tall. It welcomed me with a wave !!!!

Today , I went for a wedding and as I entered the compound I was met by two huge cranes . I was crushed . I saw my once upon a time tree being cut down. It stood so proud showing us it's branches , trunk leaves and shoots. It's no more to be seen . Someone told me that this tree was 80 years old. What I heard next was even sadder. It seems that this tree was feeling not too good and on one Sunday morning, it's branches just gave way and thus it fell onto some cars parked below it. They tried to save this tree however ,the best solution to everything was to cut it down.

I said a peacefull goodbye and so did my friend . We shared a few memories and blew flying kisses at it .

Goodbye dear tree.

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