And once again ,I went completely nuts over the farm game that I have been playing ever since . I mean , friends have told me to get a life and when I thought that I was making so much money over it , my pc went bust .
Okay , virus ? I was hoping not , however I just could not get over the fact that since the virus had perfect timing to attack my pc , I was having a lousy timing . I just planted some red wheat and just imagine the profit , I would and could get out of it .. Yes , it's only virtual but still .......
I did the next best thing , I got some friends to help me out . Yup , go harvest my farm for me . That night , I said a prayer to the Lord , I said :' Lord , you have helped me so many times , and I am going to ask Mike to come on over to get it fixed . And I know that , I will be able to farm again on Sunday .
A miracle happened , as I predicted . It was not a virus attack .. whatever was bodering my pc went away as soon as Mike typed and clicked on something and I was was harvesting on Sunday .
Now , it has come to this ; only farm and harvest after 3 days ..
I am one happy camper of a farmer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!