Saturday, October 24, 2009

To Taze or Not to

So ,the concert went well and it was because of ME !!!! NO , way heck !!! The team did the work and I was not even nervous ... che wah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only thing that made me go crazy and ga ga over was how those so tak dengar parents , refused to squat at the front of the stage and .. mind .... you the poor camera man trying to get a good shot .. I was there telling like it was for more than 5 times .... JEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ , I mean c'mon y'all ...

Yeah it's very exciting to see your kid performing and all ... they looked so pretty and handsome but work with us here people !!!!!

However , there is only one thing to do .... should I just get a tazer and taze the living daylights out of them ? Oh , I filpped up alright and there my friend was going , waving all the way just to get my attention .... but sadly, to which I did not but I corrected the error and then it went on like a pair of skates on ice ....

So what about the tazer ? Should I get one with a higher voltage ?

Gimmie a man

Okay , so my blog tittle is not as the the same as what my friend from unleashing drama posted however it's pretty darm close .. she goes on to explain how when in school , she had the hots for a certain kinda guy in her tak sedar diri kinda phase ... as she moved along and got older by an inch and still in her tak sedar diri state , she had also had the hots for a guy ...

And .. I must say that her ending is so good , she simply said , 'send me a guy '. Anyway it's not what she said or did not say but I told her don't say guy .. say men ... see not in singular form but plural ....a lecturer of mine gave me this easy formula to find the right man ...... according to my sister it' sounds sick hehehe not really but just do the math and think about it ... it's pretty simple ...

Hey you ! yeah you if you don't read my blog then don't balme me okay ...

Here is what you do .. yes the fomula ;

Know 5 men /friends etc ..
Be friends with all of them ;
Drop 2 and be friends with the 3 ,
Out of the 3 be friends with the 2 and MARRY 1

There, how's that ? It's okay to friend 10 men and then you drop them as you please till you get one ... happy trying gals !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!