Monday, December 14, 2009

Why ?

I was wondering and pondering as to why I have this feeling in my heart .. like a tug that will not go away . I mean I am never quick to judge .. but I just can't seem to figure out this person . I try hard and I asked Jesus to let me see him in others but for this one person ,it's not working at all .

I try , I say please , let me see you in others .. In others I can but why not this person ? I think I am trying too hard . I should let it go and let the feeling of being able to talk to this person comes naturally .

No , it's not about hate . Nothing about that at all . Why am I so impossible ? Christmas is just around the corner , should i try again to be humble ? I just don't know the answer . Perhaps only time will tell .

HATE is a little seed that stays inside you . It eats you a little by little and then whole however ,LOVE is universal , when it stays in you , it will overcome HATE and then we will be WHOLE again .


Today was my first step .... no , actually it was yesterday .. so yesterday that I felt quite nervous .. Yesterday was my first step into running the school and it's operation ..It took me awile to sink in what I was going through ..

I seriously could not have done it without all those beautiful angels around me . One angel in particular is leavng me for good and she is going to France ... Gosh , it was just like yesterday when she told us of her plans and there I was thinking , it's okay because we have a long way to go ... there will be months before December finally pops up and it's here now and I just don't want it to be here but I cannot help it at all .

With all of the sleepless night just thinking of handling all of the oprations .. made me very nervous .. but I prayed that today and everyday will be okay for all of us ... and to my angel .... thank you for your kindness ... like I say it's a rare gift .

I already miss you eventhough your flight to France will be on Friday .. How come all the good people have to go away ..

I guess it's okay it's either we all will visit her in France or we will just wait for her to come ... home.

Finally , my first steps have been easy , and today and for all of the days , I promise to be a good principal , a friend , an enemy , a listener and above all a friend who listens ....