Here I am once again thinking how do I do a barrel's knot . I need to know and learn it . Since I have decided to learn how to make a corded rosary .... that was all I could think of . So i decided to google about it and eureka , I've done it .
But now , one major problem ... how do I assemble the whole rosary ? Never fear for you tube is at hand . Oh and then , I got another idea , why not try to make eye pins and also bracelets , ear rings , chains ... the lists goes on .... I promise that when I get my gaji , I will seek the tools I need .
No , I am not impatient , excited it more like it haaha .... G told me to use all of her materials but we can't have that now we ? I mean when I said that I want to learn , it's got to come from me as well and not just , 'Okay , I want you to teach me , now go get all the materials for me .' It does not gell with me .
So , with all of the patience in my heart , I will ge the set of tools , the nylon and the beads and wires to make one ... wish me luck .