What I am about to post is just something from the mind and it has nothing to do with anyone ... Like they say or as they seem to say blood is thicker than water ...
To me , it means a lot when they say blood is thicker than water . So what is the defination here ? I am simply guessing that it is a bond between sibling(s) and no matter what, these sibling must understand each other the most .
Why the most ? Because they live together and they get through thick and thin together and that is why the understanding works stronger in that circle of siblings ...
Hold on . .. give me a minute okay ..It's like this ,I do not expect my friends to understand me at all even for the reasons that I stand for ... because my friends don't live with me .. they only see me for a short period of time or they either work with me ..
Blood is thicker than water also could mean defending one another and protecting too ... I grew up believeing that no matter what, since blood is thicker that water , your brother or your sister would come and save you .. yes save / help etc...
But after , thinking for like a million years and into the wawasan thingy .. I seem sadly not to agree that blood is thicker than water .. it has now come to .. sink or swim you're on your own .. okay it's a little one sided conversation here .. but I seem to think so ..
Does this mean that I would crawl into a deep dark hole and die all by myself ? No , I get up and get stronger by the minute . I do not go down without a fight . It's alright . I pick myself up , don't depend on anyone and move along .. until I can and I know that I can .
Why , because the need to do it lies it me and so I have to put all distractions aside and focus the One thing that I really need to do . And before anyone says it ...
I have lost my believe if anyone were to say Blood is definately ticker than water . No , I am not upset , I got past over it a long time ago and now I LIVE IN HIS LIGHT .