Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Reading Cheatin

Most of my kids hate to read .. the thing is they know and understands how the assignments goes but they just hate to read .. Why ? Because I am boring to them and also the books are boring .. hey I am never boring to my students , in fact , they love me to bits !!!!!!!!

Reading becomes bored to a child because the teacher does not cary out the lesson well and also it can be many things .. instead of blaming the teacher the whole time , kids also plays a role to this .. some of them comes from families who does not like to read , does not know how to read or some would say they have busy parents who are working 247 and that these parents have no time to read to them .

I remember when I was growing up , my mum would read to me and she would tell me stories and it got to a point that my sister and I not only thirst for reading , each year and every single day , we would beg our parents to buy us books to read .

My mum does not like me to read because ;

When I read I am in my own element ,
When I read I do not have to stop to drink , eat or pee.
When I read I do not have to have a daughter and mother conversations .
I only see books and not humans no matter how handsome the guy is !!!
When I read I forget everything .. that includes her and that is a no no !!

However , I do dream that some day I would own a little book store and you can find me in own little corner reading , reading and doing more reading ..

So what do I tell CCT ?

Well , tomorrow is another day so let's see if I can get her to read ......