Friday, October 2, 2009

Duit Raya .

Yes ,let's talk about duit Raya . Today one of my students decided to give the whole class diut Raya .. I was on duty and when I got in , everyone was so excited and I was like , OK ..... !!! So to set things right , I had to ask the boy if he was very sure about giving the whole class duit Raya and he said YES .

Next step , I also had to make sure that he just did not run into his parents room to just take the money and that was it .. I collected back all the Raya packets and you should have just seen their faces , it was like as if I just snatched away their best candies !!!!!!!!!!!

I had to make sure right ?

They were going on and on ;"hey, thats mine .!" Well yeah technically it's theirs but I still had to make sure .That's my job . But I promised them that when this matter is settled, meaning that I will have to phone up the parents to get confirmation , I would give them back their Raya packets .

There were a few nods and some agreable sounds . It was like those kinda answers when you go for a PTA meeting !
They waited while I made the call . I hung up.

Then I told them that they will get the Raya packets ONLY IF they colored , wrote , sat , and obeyed that I would give it to them ....

I know a bit too much right ?But they knew that I was just chuggin thier chains, so to speak !!! I called the boy up to the front to distribute the raya packets . They had to wish him first . I can tell you, that boy felt like a Tan Sri today .