Sunday, July 11, 2010

What I ask of YOU .... MY PEOPLE

What I ask of you my people;
Be humble for the common good;
Is that too much to ask ?

What I ask of you my people;
To live in peace amidst fear;
To share what we know among others.

What I ask of you my people;
Is to be the ONE , to bind each other with love and compassion.

What I ask of you my people;
To cherish one another and make a stand for each one of us;
Be it creed or color.

What I ask of you my people ;
To live in peace , to strive for a better day for our children and their children.

What I ask of you my people;
That we may make this journey together ;
So let us be brothers and sisters for the sake of each other .

Kena Tikam and how it hurt

See friends come and go .. but the worst of all mothers of friends are the ones who stabs you in the back just to get what they want and they usually do but not all the time . And here we go and ask the one million ringgit question and that is ,what do they get out of it or this ?

Perhaps a nice fat salary , taking over where you cannot perform ,and the list goes on . So what are you gonna do about it ? Nothing ? Think again .

Well, there is a lot that we could do just to get back at the person who tikam us ? Would this be a good time to ignore what we know and move in for the kill ? Nope .. why ? Because we are cowards in our approach to each other and as long as no one shakes our boat , we a fine about it .......... Well wrong and wrong again .

Lte's face it ,the person who tikams you by the back has an agenda and it's not the the agenda clothing line which Jaya Jusco carries in it's outlets !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay clothes aside and let us analyze this ...

One thing that comes to mind is who ever is tikaming us by the back is afraid . She is so afraid even to go to the ladies on her own !!!!!!!!!!!!! and yes she needs a back up plan to get back at us...

Now , As far as I know , my poeple do not this kind of game . We move in positively and professionally . We ask , find out , find out more and if we can't get any answers , we still find out and the last resort would be to take this guys out one by one by tying them to the chair ..... just to tie ..... and if this does not work for either party , easy peasy and lemony squeezy .... we will just have to live with them .

My only One Tribe --- Seranis

Each time when I make a trip down to Malacca,I would always cherish the days that I spent there and the people around me. It has been awhile and special in many ways for me to always look forward to my trips to Malacca. I am even green with envy as most of my cousins are in Malacca.

When I am there I am the happiest person on earth and when the day comes for me to travel back to K.L. I will sulk . It's the simple life that I like and I never want to come back . As I was saying to my parents today that , my real life is in Malacca . I belong there with my people and my fake life is In K.L.

Funnily enough there never enough of days when I am in Malacca.Like today we went for mass at the square which was held in a hall. It was simple and yet so meaningful . The priest who said the mass this morning was simple and nice. He got the kids involved and everything was so simple . Just as I liked it .

The faces on my people was so amazing , simple life no urgency unlike in K.L. Everything has to be rushed . I am seriously thinking of moving my parents over there as they are also from Malacca. There are people who care for them and everyone is family and warm towards each other .

All I can do is pray that our wish would come through for us .We hope that everything will fall into place with the LOrd's help.In the mean time , we as a family will pray for what we want and get Mother Mary to intercede for us .