Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lady Luck

I was thinking is Lady Luck on our side ? Well just a few months ago , a friend of mine was quite down . Being away in a foreign land and away from her family , she was feeling quite down as she felt she had nowhere to turn to . Plus with her exams being just around the corner , she was not sure if she was going to make it .
If you asked me she was having a panic attack . It's a mild one . ( okay Jen if you are actually reading this , know this , that I did you a favor !!!). Thing is, she was given a time frame to prepare herself mentally for the exams . When we got online , she was on the verge of breaking down totally . She was going on and on and on how she should just come back home and forget about everything including her dream of one day, being a successful lawyer .
What did I do ? As always me and my laser mouth , I refused to believe her instead I told her that she just should stop being a baby for once in her life and grow up . No , I did not say that . I told her that she could do it . Okay here is where I cut the story short . She passed her exams .... but ..... she was so overcome with such joyness into her life that she completely forgot to tell me about her success . 'Hey , what do you think I am ah! I mean there I was trying to assure her that all would be well and she forgot to tell me . She did however ,said to me that Lady Luck was on her side that day .
I told her no it was not her , it was the help that she got from above . If luck was with her and all of us , then , think of all of those people who would have struck it really big in their emapt ekor nombor lah !!! Just kidding. To me it will always be the one above us who will always help us out . All you need to do is ask nicely , say pease and thank you when you're done . So to all of you out there remember , ask and it shall be given to you , seek and you shall find and knock , the door would be opened .

P/S I am not sure if there is such a word as joyness do exist.... but when I am blogging , i tend to use words that are quite perculiar !