Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

Today was my appointment day with the hospital . I went because I need a closure .. I had to be sure 100% so that was why I went . The sleep test was very good .. You may be wondering , what is a sleep test all about . It's a test that I need to do , to see if i snored , oxygen intake , to see if I slept without breathing and so .. forth and so forth ... Will not tell too much about the test . When I got in the doctor's office , ( my dad came along) I gave him my test results . He took it and read it .. After 10 mins , he turned around and told me that , the report was one of the most excellent report with only Level 2 .. meaning I do not have go go in for the op to remove my tonsils . it would take Level 5 and above to get it removed . I was overjoyed , happy .He removed me from the list .. what list you ask .. no need to do the op . No medication . With that , he told me that is was my stress level that was the cause of it. Better still , since I will be moving on , onto a new job , I hope that my tonsils will be pleased . No talking needed . Only speak when you are spoken to !!!! To celebrate , I will be making an apple crumble pie ....on Saturday !!! Yums ...