My class is me , it says everything about me and the best part of it is that ... I am the BOSS of my class . Yes what I say goes ............................. well not entirely true but I do have my moments !!! Everything in my class should be where it is . It is the number one rule in my class . If you want to borrow any of my things , it shoud be placed at the same place as you took it . That is orgaizing and putting everything where it is .
Believe it or not I got the kids to do it like that too. See it saves a lot of time . I mean , I am not their maid !! Heavens no !!! They have to learn how to keep their things in a proper way as well . Yes I know , there's just about a huge space in my class to park an airplane !!!! I proveide space for my students to grow and learn as much as they want to . So my class must be neat and proper . My students are so good ,that after each lesson , they clear their tables before the next lesson starts of before the next teacher comes in .
Just the other day , a teacher moved some tables in my class and she did not put it back to its original position , when I got in I was irritated because now I have to spend five minutes to do it . Mind you, it is not that I don't mind but when you start doing it , it becomes a habit and thus the situation would get out of hand and the teacher would probably think to herself and say 'hey , it's okay Audra would do it '. Why should I ? I even really can't understand how some teachers would not even have the intelligence to clear the whiteboard before leaving my class . Jeez aren't they suppose to learn all these things, when they go for teacher's training ? The first rule , to a good teacher is to organize , plan your lessons well , clear the whiteboard and ......................... go partying on Friday nights . Hey , we are, humans after all.
My students are very observant , they will tell / inform the teacher to put whatever that she used or borrowed at the proper place . Evryone in school knows my students and among the teachers themselves , they will give a fair warning to the other teachers who goes into my class . Yes, people be careful when you are in Audra's class , please place everything in the correct place before leaving her class and also please rub the damn whiteboard !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not suppose to swear here as I am an educator , whatever would my students think of me ? Now , we can't have that now, do we ?