Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Telling as it is ...

Tooday in class I told them a story about a crab . As I was going on and on about the crab which had only four legs .... Miss drama queen pointed out to the class by saying that the best part of a crab was its legs , which then led to another statement , ' I prefer the body, the body has more flesh ..... which is true ..

So , I went on by saying that this particular crab had four legs and how his friends started to tease hin about them. In directly , I was trying to tell the kids that some of thier friends are different and it's okay ..

Miss Muffet of the class .. stood up and said , 'Crabs do not have four legs but six legs.' There I was trying to be in a pleasant mood and ... Miss Muffet went on and on by saying , 'Crabs don't got to school . I stood up and told the whole class that this is just a story .. I told Miss Muffet that if she interrupted me one more time , I'm going home ... After a few giggles and gaggles from here and there , smarty pants said , 'Teacher you have to ring the bell before you go home '.


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