Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ah Choo!!

My Ah Choo is just an Ah Choo.... not a boy nor a girl ............. well , for one Ah Choo has been part of my life since I was a little girl .... little did I know that Ah Choo followed me everywhere that I went and right through college ..!!! Bummer , I know but you see Ah Choo , just refused to leave me alone ... Ah CHoo thought it was simple and cool to tag along even though I said NO and mind you it was a big NO -NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah Choo must love me too much to let me go and so one fine day I told Ah Choo that it's okay to fellow but keep a distance and don't bother me too much .. Hmmmm ..... easier said then done .. For , no matter what I said or did , I would have Ah Choo by my side almost everyday . How do I get rid of Ah Choo ?

Suggestions please ,

An Idea came to me in a dream one day . I dreamt that I was being free of Ah Choo .. and the solution was simple .... A bottlet of Vitamin C 1000MG should do the trick !!! I told Ah Choo what I was going to do that day , and Ah Choo was so sad ...

I told Ah Choo thatI had to get well . It hurt when I go Ah Choo and Ah Choo knows it too .. So what am I suppose to do ? After much pleading AhChoo said it was ok though for it to dissappear awhile ....

And dissappear Ah Choo did , but Ah Choo said that he would be paying me a little visit sometime soon ... Not so soon okay Ah Choo .... you know I still love ya !!!!!

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