Monday, August 31, 2009

Our Day and The Three Stooges

We have been called the three stooges by friends and family alike . Why ? Because we seem to hang out together most of the time . I mean friends go like; how can you spend so much time with your parents ?

That is easy because we are a very close knit family and shopping with them is fun . If you don't believe me , got out with your parents . You will be surprised . But NOOOOOOOOOOOOO younger people of today feel that , this is not the most HIP thing to do .

Oh , what will my friends think if I went out with my parents ... I mean they are so old duh ! Yup ,that is what they will always say . One thing is for sure , always appreciate them the most when they are around and not when they are gone .

It has been quite special for me that I have the chance to always go out with my parents and each time we do have fun . Take for example like our birthdays . The 1st of Sept in my mum's birthday , the 2nd of Sept will be thier wedding anniversary and of course on the 3rd of Sept is mine .

It's not wierd at all but unique . Most friends ask if we ever do a special celebration . Our special celebration is thanking God for everyday of our lives . The simple things that we have achieve along the way and the people who made our journey special .

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