Look all I can say is, people don't understand what you want and what you mean to say . No, I am not some genius that I need to talk to people who are clever . I am not that . I simply just need someone to hear me out . You know some kind of someone who lends an ear to you .
Simply putting it ; I have had friends who says that they just don't know what I mean at times . Hello , go smell the roses . If you want me to speak to you in Mandarin ok , I can . In Bahasa also I can . In Portuguese ? Can . It's my mother tongue but Tamil cannot lah !!!!
What is with these people ah that they are so caught up with life that they just shut themselves to everyhting around them . I was like thinking , okay since blogging can't do much because I need feed back you see and blogging is just typing all the way but I changed my mind about blogging .
I think that from now on , I should just blog even though there will be no one to tell me what to do at least I get it out of my chest .
I just don't get it for the love of life how some people just block everything out . Are they dumb or just plain stupid ?
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