Monday, May 11, 2009

Exams Fever and Saturday Nights Fever!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, it's here once again . No, I normally do not dread exam week because I am not the one who is sitting for it !!!

Tell ya, it's the simplest form of exams . They go home and learn what is going to come out and with that simple open book test, there are those who still make mistakes . So cute ............. just to look at them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially when you have some smarty pants in your class , and they go round helping their friends!!!!!

Whatever it is I know they try their best not to let ME down. Having said that, there are parents who are never satisfied , well I just can't please everybody.

It's not a big thing but they will be chaos when so and so had higher marks than her child and it's not fair.

Life is never fair . It squeezes the living daylights out of you :) It also depends on how you look at life ................

Anyway , tomorrow is another brand new day and we will just see how they do ...

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