Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Class Went Beep ! Beep ! Beep !

I was teaching one afternoon and suddenly I heard a sound Beep ! Beep ! Beep! Okay I thought that it must be some parents walking along so...... just forget it , I told myself .

Then, not even a second, it went Beep ! Beep ! Beep ! again . NO it can't be .. something must be terribly wrong with my hearing today . Just ignore it .

Wait , there it goes again ....... hear that ...... that Beeping sound again . It can't be my phone even though it is a Nokia and for crying out loud my phone is almost 7 years old and it doesn't make THAT sound !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay I decided to ask ;

Me: Did any of you here today bring in a handphone in your bag?
Class: Silent.

I asked again and this time I was almost going to marah already !!!
Class : They mentioned their friend's name however , I will not type it out ( protection purposes la )

It was the same child who brought in the fifty ringgit . Why la , why la must he test me two days in a row ?
He said that his mum allowed him to bring the phone so that when she calls him , he will have to answer it .

Hmmmmm......................... as usual I called up his dad . His dad was quite surprised cos they scolded him for bringing money to school and now this . Sigh.......................... that is why I have grey hairs on my head .

So in the end it was settled and on MOnday I promise to frisk his bag before he enters the school . Ha ..... we see who lagi pandai and what if I find more surprises in his bag ? Well , I will just take it home!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No la , just kidding.

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