Monday, April 13, 2009

Exams , exams here we go again .....

Well it's the exam fever once again and before I go on , no I am not the one sitting for it silly cow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So lo and behold , we have to crack open our heads once again to prepare the question papers .

I mean, why ? For crying out loud they are just 6 years old . 6 not going on 60 !!!! WELL WHO AM I TO COMPLAIN !!!! ( this is my bread and butter ). So , just go and do right ?

But exams are exams and we can't get out of it so might as well just prepare something easy and we all can relax . Wrong , wrong and wrong . Why ? why? okay if this is the case then I better go change my job !!! No , can't and won't do it . Back to square one just go do it . Why , I actually finished preparing the papers , exam guide and time table . Silly me , ( this is me bragging so that I can tell all of my teachers that I am done and I will sit , kick back and watch them do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I am not cruel , this is actually what you do in life when you have completed your assignments right? OH! puhleeeze, don't be jealous !!!

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