Saturday, March 28, 2009

the lights Went OFF and ...................

The lights wet off and a sssnake ssslithered into our house;
Yikes! cried all of us .
We asked the sssnake what did it want ;
"Get you sssneakersss on for we are ssslithering right outta here!' was all it said;
For sslither we did and followed that ssnake into Ssslithering Town .
When we got there , and what we sssaw wasss not bad ;
The band wasss jamming and the place wasss hot ;

Oh ,did we put on our sssneakers that day !
We ssslid and sssmacked right down onto the dance floor and we grooved all night;
They has the most tastiest venom and all we could do was stare in awe;
Twas time to dance, when sssoon we realized that it was a coiling dance ;
We had no choice but to ssslither back all the way home!

1 comment:

7578 said...

is this for real? got snake?? wooo...