How have I grown and how I have steam rolled and paved the way with good intentions.... and still trying to
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Bad Hair DAy AMy
This post is not about anyone whose names are Amy . YOu see in today lesson ,( in class of course ) , my students were asked to draw missing parts of the facial area and by the time you read this , yes it's the ears , eyes, nose ,mouth etc ... that we are talking about and seriously I know it will be a very good and pleasant day for me till a student showed me his drawing of Amy , and poor Amy had the biggest hairdo in the whole wide world .
I told this student of mine to give her a nice hairstyle , but did he listen to me ? No, .. he did not and all he said was that this was his impression of Amy ... Huumph !!!!! Okay you win and teacher loose !!!!
That was not all untill another student showed me his drawing and Amy had no nose and to which he proudly told me that this is just a drawing and that Amy is not real . THere he said it . Am I suppose to just sit and keep quiet ? Yes , I did . I loved what they drew , each one of them .
At this point , the only thing I can say is ; NO COMMENT , I REST MY CASE !!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
I need A new Thing going on ... but what ?
I am antsy and I need a new thing going on;
How about if I tumble all the way to work and back again ?
Then my back would be all black and blue;
I sure do need a new thing going on ............. but what ?
I need a new thing going on cos this poem does not make any sense to me at all;
I cold walk on fire and see how that turns out , for my feet would be well done then;
I do need a new thing going on ................. but what ?
I really need a new thing going on ;
I could teach a school of fish and perhaps swim with them;
But that would not do cos I can't swim !!!!!!!!!!
I do need a new thing going on ..................... but what ?
PLEase Don't Kenakan Me !!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay I will be prepared . Maybe if I could get my hands on a pair of binoculars with extra night vision might just help cos then I will know where he is at all times . But this is not a hide and seek game .
My dad will not wait for you to warm up . If I happen to wake up at 5 am , he sudah sedia already !!!!!!
THis calls for some strategic planning hehehehe !!!!!!!!!!! Let's see if this time I can kenakan him .
How and what to ask and how to go about it ...
She was quite stressed out because she felt that she has to repeat and repeat , what she wants them to learn and know . I mean I have my stressful days too but most of the time it's not the children , rather it's with the adults that I work with . True right ? And I am sure you just get so pissed off with them . ....
So to this friend , I suggested that she apply the group work approach . It's very senang and also you will feel happy and senang as well . She left without saying anything . TO me it's okay but .... If I were her I would apply this approach at any given time .
I try to make my lessons interesting .. interaction is a must and no matter what class participation is very important to me . Because when a teacher gets maximum participation from her students , a teacher will know if her students understood the lessons and her as well .
The golden rule is to always know how to ask simple questions to gain an answer. You may think that you don't know how to ask but at times without realizing, you are actually doing it already . I find applying this approach is so mush easier on me and my students .
No more stress for me and trust me at the end of the day , you will say that you had a good day in school .
Sunday, March 29, 2009
My winners
Okay winners thanks ya , wait for your gifts patiently ok .
Muuaaah !!!
Take a look....
After 25 years , we found some of us again and the best part it was through face book and it was last year tahun tikus . It was really nice to finally chat with some of them on face book .
Yesterday was the day where they all decided to meet up . Even though I was not there yesterday , I will say this , it has been a long time . And to see them now ............ so nice .
As I look upon the photos that they have posted , I laugh , and try to remember all the naughty things we did as children . Speaking of being naughty , I always tell my students that it's okay to be naughty ... we were once so young ....then.
I remember not too long ago a student of mine asked me if I used to be naughty when I was little.............. yes , I was naughty and my mum would cane me for being naughty . I tell them too it's okay to be naughty cos they're only children .
Like I said it was a long time ago , and we are all grown ups now ...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Someone Said
Seriously , they will put you to the test to the limit !!!!!!!!!!! Like I always say they will either make you or break you . But so far having been in the teaching industry , my life has been fun , fun till I drop dead !!!
Teaching is something that I really look forward to and please bear in mind that I don't like Mondays but when I see my children , I forget everything even my worries .
Yup , its 110% or more or nothing else . I also have days where I wished that I did other jobs .. say like an office job . After analyzing the pros and cons ... I rather stick to teaching . Which also reminds me that it is my turn to tell a story to the whole school and I will be telling them The Three Little Pigs . Why , because I like pigs !!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO, no it's a good moral story and that is, don't let strangers into your home .
So I during story telling , I have to tell it with penuh dengan perasaan !!! But normally I just breeze through ..... no I am not blowing my own trumpet ,( I just wanted to say that)
Teachers out there remember this golden rule ; when you tell a story , puhleeezze try to remember your characters well . But if you can't, don't worry the children will help you along the way !
Peace and out .
So hoW It was being in the DARK?
For me, it was alright , and I was ready for bed at 9.30 pm when we switched off the lights . I mean , since the lights have all been switched off , what is the next best thing to do ? SLEEP ................... I was getting comfy . Then ..... it was time to switch on the lights . Hooray we did it one solid hour . That was just for an hour and yes, like every other human being in the whole wide world ... we only know of one thing , that is when the lights are on , go watch t.v. like no tomorrow . So what did we learn from this activity ?
Here is where you may think that I will write something nice about it but I am also human la ... so the lesson that we all learnt from this activity is .... appreciate what we have. Okay I will also say this since you all want to know ... save , save and save more ...................... money !!! Eh! No , hehe !! Save the planet earth .
the lights Went OFF and ...................
Yikes! cried all of us .
We asked the sssnake what did it want ;
"Get you sssneakersss on for we are ssslithering right outta here!' was all it said;
For sslither we did and followed that ssnake into Ssslithering Town .
When we got there , and what we sssaw wasss not bad ;
The band wasss jamming and the place wasss hot ;
Oh ,did we put on our sssneakers that day !
We ssslid and sssmacked right down onto the dance floor and we grooved all night;
They has the most tastiest venom and all we could do was stare in awe;
Twas time to dance, when sssoon we realized that it was a coiling dance ;
We had no choice but to ssslither back all the way home!
Friday, March 27, 2009
This Is The Day
Okay what if we were to switch off all of our lights everyday for an hour ?
Then things will and people will go ; Crash ! Bang ! Ouch ! Yipes ! and Yikes !
Some would even say 'Get your smelly feet outta my face !' Sigh...... the things we have to go through when one is in the dark . Oblivious to the world .
However for some ; ha ...... some romantics will like the dark for example , eating in darkness with a blind date . There how does that sounds to you ? Meaning ........ no , no I will not go there people . Or for some they would just love a good snuggle . Have you tried fighting in the dark ? Maybe you should try it today and let me know . Hey leave a comment , I don't care .
Hooray I Did It
I am so happy ............... well night everyone , tata till I log in again the next day or perhaps .... I shall wait a little longer till I have more stories to share . But ............. I still want to add more pictures to my blog!!!!
The Disappearing Act
Yeah just some time to yourself without anyone looking for you . Maybe just a little corner for yourself where you can unwind and forget about everything just for a minute ?
How I love to do that .......... hey wait a minute of course I can . See ... I can cause I can and you can't !! Not fair ? Life is never fair . When someone tells you that life is too short , please do tell them to take another route them . Then you hear what is their answer is . Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm .
Back to where I was , and as I was saying I would love to disappear and what if I can't reappear ? Okay this is going no where and to all of you out there don't disappear too long , you will be missed and I can tell you that for sure !!
This Is The BesT Sooo Far
Yeah , Yeah , but it's better than nothing . I wanted to find something that is me or my students but I guess I will Just have to settle for this , for now till.................... I get bitten by the blog skin bug once again . I wanted something bright , I got it alright , no more hiding behind dark and gloomy colors . So you can see me for me all brightly lit ... in a manner of speaking not me la !!!! But my blog that is quite colorful and bright . As they say "may your days be merry and bright .'
My So Called Moments
Let's just say that whatever that you decide to do , even if the job is a simple one or a though one , you go through a moment and it really makes you feel good .
Like , take today for example , I was preparing a simple dictation for my class today and frankly speaking most of my students can't get it right . It's either they did not study for it or they were just too busy playing at home to even give it a thought . As I was writing , some of my students recognized a few words on the board .
I mean , it was like .... I was quite glad because I know for a fact that it has never been an easy task to get them to read and hearing them pronouncing these words made me feel so nice inside ; meaning that my teaching after all these months, has not gone down the drain !!!
Deep inside I felt nice and I knew it that I could not quit on my students . Let it be if others think that my class is the last class on earth . These children are here to learn . It is amazing what these children can do . They even correct me when I make a mistake and I don't feel taken aback at all . I wrote the wrong day today and a boy stood up and told me that .
It is a nice feeling .......... I like my moments with my children and they seem to amaze me.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Read This ...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A Giveaway to Pay-It-Forward
I found this great idea on my new friend,saving grace and wanted to pay it forward for this handmade giveaway activity that's going on in the blogosphere.
This is a free giveaway and everyone is encouraged to play - worldwide! It's open to everyone who reads my blog.
The first FIVE people to respond to this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you. This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
2- What I create will be just for you.
3- It will be done this year. (that's right, before December 31, 2009!)
4- You have no clue what it's going to be. Just because I cross stitch, doesn't necessarily mean that's what it will be (but it might!). I dabble in quite a few mediums. Who knows?
5- I reserve the right to do something extremely strange. But I would never send something that I didn't like myself!
The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must re-post this on your blog and make the same offer to the first 5 people who respond on your blog entry, thereby continuing the fun! (Though you can keep it local if you want, I don't fear international postage!)
The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did, will win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me! Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it! Sounds like fun, right? So, let's play!
I have copied this straight from Saving grace and I think it is a great idea! With my small number of blog readers at least I have until the end of the year to get 5 readers!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
New , Baru , Biru what is the difference
To me , each child is different . Even each learning process is different . It's not an easy task but when you see determination in each of them , you feel that you don't mind going out on a limb for them ..................... that is what we teachers do . I feel proud with each of my students and each time when I get into class I try to make sure that as a teacher , I do my job well . Okay this is not about me , it's about the students that I teach . The great thing about these children are that they are forever so forgiving and they are so eager to learn .
It makes my job much easier as well when I see that they understand what I want from them and all the happy little things that they do for me . Be it a smile , a hug or even a simple drawing . It means a lot to me , to see my students happy and that the next day they come back for more adventures with me.
I an not your type ...
I am not your type for I can't type twenty five words per minute ;
Hey wait a minute , if I am then not your type, then what kinda type should I be ?
I am not your type for I rather be the type that sits back and relax .
I am not your type for I don't feel that type .
I am not your type and so forget about the whole idea ;
I am not your type for things I can't seem to understand;
I am not your type for what ever type I could be.
It's rather strange to see what type I should be ;
I have no idea that a type should be................................ a word ?
It really does not make any sense to me ;
And I really have no idea to what kinda type that I should be .
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Whistle WhileYou Work and The Swinging 60's .
I did the next best thing , I prayed and asked for a sign . I mean yeah I am on my holiday and of course I can go jalan - jalan to look for and I also happen to know of a shop which sells good CD's ( the murah corner ). Then I started to panic . What if i can't find the music that I seek ? Or what if they don't like the music that I have choosen ? I found what I was looking for so one problem solved . Done.
Now comes the hard part . The designs for the costumes . AHA !! Since whiste while you work is an action song yours truly have to go and make cangkul and belive me it's kacang to make hehehhehh!!! Luckily Fe my cousin has the stuff to help me . I know that I will be having fun and I have roped in my mum to make the paper beads with me.I can forsee the end product and now it is time to make my teachers jealous hehehehehe ( just kidding )
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Holiday
My friend is so stressed out poor thing . I mean yeah I do feel the stress but I don't let it get to me . Really my friends don't believe me but that's the honest truth . How do I do it ? Easy , here are some handy tips to do it ;
A ) Imagine that you are talking to little elves and they like games
B) Always tell them that everything is a game
C) Even if they get zero for their spelling , dictation , ejaan and rencana , tell them it's
okay try better next time !
D) Motivate the whole gang .
E) Whatever happens for the day , go home and have a good sleep .
F) Sleep mean it's tido mati !!! That type of sleep la .
G) If ever they should complain , cover your ears and they get the message !!!
Well I could go on but by the time you read this , you would have not even understood a word of it . Like I say , you actually have to be present in my class to get the feel of things . So having said all that I could possibly say , I have come to the conclusion that teaching is not half as bad . The kids grow on you and you just need to know when is the right time to say 'hit the road Jack '
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Lady Luck
If you asked me she was having a panic attack . It's a mild one . ( okay Jen if you are actually reading this , know this , that I did you a favor !!!). Thing is, she was given a time frame to prepare herself mentally for the exams . When we got online , she was on the verge of breaking down totally . She was going on and on and on how she should just come back home and forget about everything including her dream of one day, being a successful lawyer .
What did I do ? As always me and my laser mouth , I refused to believe her instead I told her that she just should stop being a baby for once in her life and grow up . No , I did not say that . I told her that she could do it . Okay here is where I cut the story short . She passed her exams .... but ..... she was so overcome with such joyness into her life that she completely forgot to tell me about her success . 'Hey , what do you think I am ah! I mean there I was trying to assure her that all would be well and she forgot to tell me . She did however ,said to me that Lady Luck was on her side that day .
I told her no it was not her , it was the help that she got from above . If luck was with her and all of us , then , think of all of those people who would have struck it really big in their emapt ekor nombor lah !!! Just kidding. To me it will always be the one above us who will always help us out . All you need to do is ask nicely , say pease and thank you when you're done . So to all of you out there remember , ask and it shall be given to you , seek and you shall find and knock , the door would be opened .
P/S I am not sure if there is such a word as joyness do exist.... but when I am blogging , i tend to use words that are quite perculiar !