So where do I begin ? I had one of the thoughest day today . It wasn't my good day really . I had things to do and one of them is to clear my name . It all started when the school had a special promotion on colour pencils and dictionaries . One golden rule to remember is "RECORD" . Why ? Well, normally when we accept money and order forms , details should be written down and kept in a very specail place and with this "RECORD", it is a form of protection for you .
As I collected and wrote down all the details , my life was a bliss . The plan was to receive these items , write down the student's name and make sure that these items are kept in their bags . Everything went on fine until............................................ I received a phone call the very same day after the students went home, from a parent complaining to me , telling me that her precious little daughter only brought home her dictionary minus her colour pencils. My heart sank . She was upset and demanded to know why . I explained to her and told her everything . Maybe she took it out from her school bag to try them out or just maybe someone took it out from her bag without her knowledge and took it home .
All the questions were drumming in my head . the parent later sms saying that she is not happy at all and she demanded her money back . I then told her to give me time till tomorrow in school . The next day arrived pretty soon . As soon as i reached school, I got the children to sit in a circle and empty out all the contents from their bags .My search began but there was nothing . I questioned the girl and I even said prayers .
She said she was aware that I gave her the colour pencils and the dictionary and she placed them into her bag but when she got home , the colour pencils were missing . My friend knew I was desprate to find them and I was pretty anxious. So instead of me moping around, I went for a meeting .After the meeting , I went back to class and again , I questioned my student . At this point ,I really was digging deeper because after I calmed down , something inside me told me to question the girl again .
I asked her again . Same answers but this time another student approached us as we were talking . Now , this is the part where the good light starts to shine . I found out that a little someone wanted to try out the new colour pencils from her but she told them "NO". So to cut the long story short , my Miss Drama Queen took the colour pencils ,home and the best part my Drama Queen was not feeling too well yesterday . So with that , I have been dragged through the mud . I've been had as the saying goes.
All is not lost , I made a call to Drama Queen's parents and I hope by tomorrow with fervent prayers , I will clear my name and get the colour pencils from her. As for my Drama Queen .... well she has another thing coming .
My Drama Queen was absent today .
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